1998 |
Schneider, L.: Stromgestehungskosten von Großkraftwerken: Entwicklungen im Spannungsfeld von Liberalisierung und Ökosteuern (Hrsg: Öko-Institut, Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V.), Berlin 1998. |
2000 |
Schneider, L.: Wirtschaftlichkeit und optimaler Betrieb von KWK-Anlagen unter den neuen energiewirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen (Hrsg: Öko-Institut, Institut für angewandte Ökologie e.V.), Berlin, 2000. |
2000 |
Bleyl, J. W. / Schneider, L.: KWK-Objektversorgung im Umbruch, in: Energie & Management, S. 24-26, 15. Juni 2000. |
2002 |
Poetzsch, S. / Schneider, L.: Instrument mit sehr begrenztem Nutzen. Werden die Vereinbarungen zum Klimaschutz armen Ländern zu sauberer Energie verhelfen? In: Der Überblick, S. 56-59, Nr. 4, Jg. 37, 2002. |
2002 |
Schneider, L. / Deuber, O.: Initial Estimation of the Baseline Level of a Wind Power CDM Project in China. Studie für die Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG). Berlin, Oktober 2002. |
2003 |
Herold, A. / Schneider, L. / Vizcarra, N.: Improving Energy Efficiency in Peruvian Boilers with the CDM. Feasibility Study for a Bundled CDM Project. Studie für die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) und das Peruanische Wirtschaftsministerium. Berlin, Januar 2003. |
2003 |
Schneider, L. / van Minnen, J. / Pulles, T.: Climate Change. In: Europe’s environment: the third assessment. Page 91-111. European Environment Agency (EEA), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2003 ISBN 92-9167-574-1. |
2003 |
Sanhueza, E. / Neuenschwander, A. / Maldonado, P. / Schneider, L. / Cames, M. / Herold, A.: National Strategy Study for the CDM in Chile. Studie für die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) im Rahmen des Weltbankprogramms zu Nationalen Strategiestudien für den CDM. Juni 2003. |
2004 |
Pehnt, M. / Fischer, C. / Sauter, R. / Schneider, L. / Cames, M. / Voss, J, / Grashof, K. / Praetorius, B. / Schumacher, K.: Micro CHP – a sustainable innovation? 8. Symposium Energieinnovationen. Erfolgreiche Energieinnovationsprozesse. 4./5.02.2004. Graz, Österreich. |
2004 |
Schneider, L. / Gröger, J.: Lokales Modell der Wärmeversorgung. In: AGFW- Hauptstudie: Strategien und Technologien einer pluralistischen Fern- und Nahwärmeversorgung in einem liberalisierten Energiemarkt unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Kraft-Wärme-Kopplung und erneuerbarer Energien. Hrsg.: AGFW (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Fernwärme bei der VDEW), Frankfurt/Main, 2004. |
2005 |
Pehnt, M. / Cames, M. / Fischer, C. / Praetorius, B. / Schneider, L. / Schumacher, K. / Voss, J.P.: Micro Cogeneration. Towards Decentralized Energy Systems. Springer, Heidelberg, New York 2005, ISBN 978-3-540-25582- 6. |
2005 |
Schneider, L.: Are Energy Efficiency Projects Feasible under the CDM? A case study on industrial boilers in Peru. In: ECEEE 2005 Summer Study. Proceedings. Vol. 3. Page 1403-1412, Mandelieu La Napoule, France 2005. |
2005 |
Praetorius, B. / Schneider, L.: Dynamics of Decentralization: The Case of Micro Cogeneration Diffusion in Germany. In: ECEEE 2005 Summer Study. Proceedings. Vol. 2. Page 753-765, Mandelieu La Napoule, France 2005. |
2005 |
Schneider, L. / Graichen, J. / Matz, N.: Implications of the Clean Development Mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol on other Conventions. The case of HFC- 23 destruction. Elni Review No. 1/2005, Page 41-52. |
2006 |
Schneider, L. / Grashof, K.: Capacity Development for the Clean Development Mechanism. Lessons Learned in Ghana, India, Indonesia, South Africa and Tunisia. GTZ/BMZ, Eschborn, Germany, October 2006. |
2007 |
Schneider, L.: Crediting the displacement of non-renewable biomass under the CDM. Berlin, Germany, April 2007. |
2007 |
Cames, M. / Anger, N. / Boehringer, C. / Harthan, R. / Schneider, L.: Long-term prospects of CDM and JI. Berlin, Germany, December 2007. |
2007 |
Schneider, L.: Is the CDM fulfilling its environmental and sustainable development objectives? An evaluation of the CDM and options for improvement. Report prepared for WWF. Berlin, Germany, 5 November 2007. |
2008 |
Schneider, L.: A CDM with atmospheric benefits for a post-2012 climate regime. Discussion paper. Oeko-Institut, Berlin, Germany, September 2008. |
2008 |
Schneider, L.: Der Klimadeal mit dem Süden. Chancen und Probleme des Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). In: Kosch, S. (2008): Zukunftsmarkt Klimaschutz. Wie wir die Welt retten und dabei Geld verdienen können. Pages 76-90. Parthas Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2008. ISBN 978-3-86601-429-9. |
2008 |
Schneider, L., Bogner M.: Nullsummenspiel fürs Klima. Ob der Clean Development Mechanism zu Klimaschutz und Entwicklung beiträgt, ist umstritten. In: Welt-Sichten. Magazin für globale Entwicklung und ökumenische Zusammenarbeit. No. 10, October 2008, pages 22-26 ISSN 1865- 7966. |
2008 |
Schneider, L.: Options to enhance and improve the CDM. ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2008/15. |
2009 |
Schneider, L.: A Clean Development Mechanism with global atmospheric benefits for a post-2012 climate regime. International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (INEA), Volume 9, Issue 2 (2009), Pages 95-111. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-009-9095-9. |
2009 |
Schneider, L.: Assessing the additionality of CDM projects: practical experiences and lessons learned. Climate Policy, Volume 9 (2009), Pages 242– 254. DOI: 10.3763/cpol.2008.0533. |
2009 |
Schneider, L. / Mohr, L.: A rating of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) Accredited under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Report prepared for WWF. |
2009 |
Schneider, L. / Cames, M.: A framework for a sectoral crediting mechanism in a post-2012 climate regime. Report prepared for the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). |
2009 |
Butzengeiger-Geyer, S. / Castro, P. / Harthan, R. / Hayashi, D. / Healy, S. / Maribu, K.M. / Michaelowa, A. / Okubo, Y. / Schneider, L. / Storrø, I.: Options for utilizing the CDM for global emission reductions. Discussion paper. Report to the German Federal Environment Agency / Umweltbundesamt. |
2010 |
Butzengeiger-Geyer, S. / Castro, P. / Harthan, R. / Hayashi, D. / Healy, S. / Maribu, K.M. / Michaelowa, A. / Okubo, Y. / Schneider, L. / Storrø, I.: Options for utilizing the CDM for global emission reductions. Final report to the German Federal Environment Agency / Umweltbundesamt. |
2010 |
Alexeew, J. / Bergset, L. / Meyer, K. / Petersen, J. / Schneider, L. / Unger, Ch.: An analysis of the relationship between the additionality of CDM projects and their contribution to sustainable development, International Environmental Agreements (INEA), Vol.10, No. 3, 233-248, ISSN 1567-9764. |
2010 |
Schneider, L. / Mohr, L.: 2010 Rating of Designated Operational Entities (DOEs) accredited under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Report for WWF, Berlin, 28 July 2010. |
2010 |
Schneider, L. / Lazarus, M. / Kollmuss, A.: Industrial Gas Projects Under The CDM: Adipic Acid – A Case of Carbon Leakage? Stockholm Environment Institute, Working Paper WP-US-1006. |
2011 |
Schneider, L.: Perverse incentives under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): an evaluation of HFC-23 destruction projects. Climate Policy, 11 (2011) 851–864. |
2011 |
Schneider, L.: The trade-offs of trade: realities and risks of carbon markets. In: Global Corruption Report: climate change, compiled by Transparency International. ISBN 978-I-84971-297-2. |
2011 |
Bogner, M. / Schneider, L.: Is the CDM Changing Investment Trends in Developing Countries or Crediting Business-as-Usual? A Case Study on the Power Sector in China. In: Mehling/Merrill/Upston-Hooper (eds): Improving the Clean Development Mechanism – Options and Challenges Post-2012, Berlin Nov. 2011, VII, 298 pp., ISBN 978-3-86965-023-4, pages 103-122. |
2012 |
Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D. / Füssler, J. / Lazarus, M. / Michaelowa, A. / Spalding-Fecher, R.: Standardized Baselines for the CDM – Are We on the Right Track? Policy paper, 20 November 2012. |
2012 |
Schneider, L.: Zertifikate ohne Wert. In: Welt-Sichten Nr. 12-2012 / 1-2013, Seite 37-39, ISSN 1865-7966. |
2013 |
Lazarus, M. / Erickson, P. / Schneider, L.: Potential for International Offsets to Provide a Net Decrease of GHG Emissions, SEI Working Paper 2013-06, Stockholm Environment Institute – U.S. Centre, Seattle, USA, September 2013. |
2013 |
Kollmuss, A. / Fuessler, J. / Lazarus, M. / Herren, M. / Schneider, L.: New climate mitigation market mechanisms – stock-taking after Doha. |
2014 |
Schneider, L. / Füssler, J. / Herren, M.: Crediting emission reductions in new market based mechanisms. Part I: Additionality assessment & baseline setting without pledges. Report published by Infras and commissioned by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (I&M) of the Netherlands and the Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN) of Switzerland. Zurich, January 2014. |
2014 |
Lazarus, M. / Kollmuss, A. / Schneider, L.: Single year mitigation targets: Uncharted territory for emissions trading and unit transfers. SEI Working paper 2014-01, Seattle, March 2014. |
2014 |
Schneider, L. / Kollmuss, A. / Lazarus, M.: Addressing the risk of double counting emission reductions under the UNFCCC, SEI Working paper 2014-02, Seattle, April 2014. |
2014 |
Schneider, L. / Cames, M.: Options for continuing GHG abatement from CDM and JI industrial gas projects. Oeko-Institut, Berlin, May 2014. |
2014 |
Schneider, L. / Kollmuss, A. / Lazarus, M.: Double counting (not) excluded In: Carbon Mechanisms Review, pages 4-7, 3/2014. |
2015 |
Schneider, L. / Ahonen, H.M.: Crediting early action: options, opportunities and risks. |
2015 |
Schneider, L. / Kollmuss, A. / Lazarus, M.: Addressing the risk of double counting emission reductions under the UNFCCC. In: Climatic Change, Volume 131, Issue 4 (2015), Page 473-486. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-015-1398-y. |
2015 |
Kollmuss, A. / Schneider, L. / Zhezherin, V.: Has Joint Implementation reduced GHG emissions? Lessons learned for the design of carbon market mechanisms, Stockholm Environment Institute Working Paper No. 2015-07. |
2015 |
Schneider, L. / Kollmuss, A.: Perverse effects of carbon markets on HFC-23 and SF6 abatement projects in Russia. In: Nature Climate Change, Volume5, Issue 12, pages 1061–1063, DOI: 10.1038/NCLIMATE2772. |
2015 |
Kollmuss, A. / Schneider, L.: A Question of Integrity – Has Joint Implementation reduced GHG emissions? Study yields lessons for future carbon markets. |
2015 |
Lazarus, M. / Schneider, L. / Lee, C. / von Asselt, H.: Options and Issues for Restricted Linking of Emissions Trading Systems. International Carbon Action Partnership, September 2015. |
2015 |
Schneider, L. / Spalding-Fecher, R. / Cames, M.: Delivering Results-Based Funding Through Crediting Mechanisms – Assessment of Key Design Options. Oeko-Institut, Berlin, November 2015. |
2016 |
Schneider, L. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Ensuring Integrity. Design options for reliable and thorough Paris market mechanisms. In: Carbon Mechanisms Review, March/April 2016. |
2016 |
Schneider, L.: Tracking progress after Paris. In: CLIMATE 2020. Rising to the challenge. UNA-UK, pp. 60-61. |
2016 |
Cames, M. / Schneider, L.: Defining the Essentials. ICAO’s offsetting mechanism: avoiding double counting of emission reductions. In: Carbon Mechanisms Review 3/2016. |
2016 |
Schneider L. / Kollmuss, A. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Ensuring the environmental integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. SEI Policy brief, Seattle, October 2016. |
2016 |
Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D. / Cames, M. / Fuessler, J. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Robust Accounting of International Transfers under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement – Preliminary Findings. Discussion Paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, November 2016. |
2016 |
Graichen, J. / Cames, M. / Schneider, L.: Categorization of INDCs in the light of Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement. Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, November 2016. |
2016 |
Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D. / Cames, M. / Healy, S. / Fuessler, J. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Market mechanisms in the Paris Agreement – Differences and commonalities with Kyoto mechanisms. Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, November 2016. |
2017 |
Spalding-Fecher, R. / Schneider, L.: First, Do not Harm. Using crediting mechanisms for results-based climate finance: options and tools for environmental and social safeguards. Carbon Mechanisms Review, Issue 1, 2017, February – April. |
2017 |
Schneider, L. / Füssler, J. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Kohli, A. / Graichen, J. / Healy, S. / Broekhoff, D.: Environmental Integrity under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, March 2017. |
2017 |
Warnecke, C. / Day, T. / Schneider, L. / Cames, M. / Healy, S. / Harthan, R. / Tewari, R. / Höhne, N.: Vulnerability of CDM projects for Discontinuation of Mitigation Activities: Assessment of Project Bulnerability and Options to Support Continued Mitigation, Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, May 2017. |
2017 |
Schneider, L. / Day, T. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Warnecke, C.: CDM supply potential up to 2020, Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, August 2017. |
2017 |
Schneider, L. / Lazarus, M. / Lee, C. / van Asselt, H.: Restricted linking of emissions trading systems: options, benefits, and challenges. In: International Environmental Agreements. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-017-9370-0. |
2017 |
Schneider, L. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Using the Clean Development Mechanism for nationally determined contributions and international aviation. Assessment of impacts on global GHG emissions. Stockholm Environment Institute Project Report 02/201. |
2017 |
Schneider, L. / Füssler, J. / Kohli, A. / Graichen, J. / Healy, S. / Cames, M. / Broekhoff, D. / Lazarus, M. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Cook, V.: Robust Accounting of International Transfers under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, Discussion paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, October 2017. |
2017 |
Broekhoff, D. / Füssler, J. / Klein, N. / Schneider, L. / Spalding-Fecher, R.: Establishing Scaled-Up Crediting Program Baselines under the Paris Agreement: Issues and Options. Partnership for Market Readiness, Technical Note 15, November 2017, Washington D.C. |
2017 |
La Hoz Theuer, S. / Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D. / Kollmuss, A.: International transfers under Article 6 in the context of diverse ambition of NDCs. Environmental integrity risks and options to address them. Stockholm Environment Institute, Working Paper 2017-10, Stockholm, November 2017. |
2018 |
Fearnehough, H. / Day, T. / Warnecke, C. / Schneider, L.: Marginal cost of CER supply and implications of demand sources. Discussion Paper. Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, Germany, March 2018. |
2018 |
La Hoz Theuer, S. / Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D.: When less is more. Can limits to international transfers under Article 6 help address environmental integrity risks? In: Carbon Mechanisms Review, 1, 2018, pages 21-28. |
2018 |
Schneider, L. / Conway, D. / Kachi, A. / Hermann, B.: Crediting Forest-related Mitigation under International Carbon Market Mechanisms: A Synthesis of Environmental Integrity Risks and Options to Address Them. Discussion paper prepared for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Berlin, September 2018. |
2018 |
Schneider, L. / Warnecke, C. / Day, T. / Kachi, A.: Operationalising an ‚overall mitigation in global emissions‘ under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Berlin / Cologne, 21 November 2018. |
2018 |
Schneider, L. / Cludius, J. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Accounting for the linking of emissions trading systems under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP), Berlin, November 2018. |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Environmental integrity of international carbon market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. In: Climate Policy, Volume 19, Issue 3, pages 386-400. |
2019 |
La Hoz Theuer, S. / Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D.: When less is more: Limits to international transfers under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. In: Climate Policy, Volume 19, Issue 4, pages 401-413. |
2019 |
Warnecke, C. / Schneider, L. / Day, T. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Fearnehough, H.: Robust eligibility criteria essential for new global scheme to offset aviation emissions. In: Nature Climate Change, Volume 9, Issue 3, pages 218-221. |
2019 |
Schneider, L.: Carbon Markets under the Paris Agreement: How Can Environmental Integrity Be Ensured? PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL. 162 pages. ISBN 978-94-6343-913-8.

2019 |
Schneider, L. / Warnecke, C.: Frequently asked questions (FAQs): How could the concept of an „overall mitigation in global emissions“ (OMGE) be operationalized under the Paris Agreement? Öko-Institut. Berlin, June 2019. |
2019 |
Gores, S. / Schneider, L. / Herold, A.: Implementing New GWP Values in the EU: A Quantitative Analysis. Working Paper 3/2019. Öko-Institut. Berlin, August 2019. |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Howard, A. / Kizzier, K. / Cames, M.: Outside in? Using international carbon markets for mitigation not covered by NDCs under the Paris Agreement. In: Climate Policy (in press). |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / Duan, M. / Stavins, R. / Kizzier, K. / Broekhoff, D. / Jotzo, F. / Winkler, H. / Lazarus, M. / Howard, A. / Hood, C.: Double counting and the Paris Agreement rulebook. In: Science, Volume 366, Issue 6462, pages 180- 183. |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / Broekhoff, D. / Mealey, T. / Soparkar, I.: Avoiding double counting for CORSIA. In: Carbon Mechanisms Review, Issue 3, pages 19-25, 2019. https://www.carbon-mechanisms.de/en/2019/cmr-3-2019-ambitious-action |
2019 |
Jotzo, F. / Schneider, L. / Duan, M.: Double counting of emissions cuts may undermine Paris climate deal. The Conversation. 15 October 2019. https://theconversation.com/double-counting-of-emissions-cuts-may-undermine-paris-climate-deal-125019 |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / Michaelowa, A. / Broekhoff, D. / Espelage, A. / Siemons, A: Lessons learned from the first round of applications by carbon-offsetting programs for eligibility under CORSIA. Öko-Institut. 30 October 2019. https://www.oeko.de/fileadmin/oekodoc/Lessons-learned-from-CORSIA-applications.pdf |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / Healy, S.: Avoiding double counting between CORSIA and Nationally Determined Contributions – Options for accounting under the Paris Agreement. CLIMATE CHANGE 38/2020. German Environment Agency. Report completed in September 2018. Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, October 2020. ISSN 1862-4359. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/avoiding-double-counting-between-corsia-nationally and https://www.dehst.de/SharedDocs/downloads/EN/project-mechanisms/discussion-paper_double_counting_CORSIA.pdf |
2019 |
Schneider, L. / Cames, M. / Healy, S. / Keimeyer, F. / Schütte, S. / Fearnehough H. / Warnecke, C. / Tewari, R / Broekhoff, D. / La Hoz Theuer, S.: Analysis and assessment of the design of an offsetting system for international aviation. CLIMATE CHANGE 35/2020. German Environment Agency. Report completed in November 2019. Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, October 2020. ISSN 1862-4359. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/analysis-assessment-of-the-design-of-an-offsetting |
2019 |
Füssler, J. / La Hoz Theuer, S. / Schneider, L.: Transitioning elements of the Clean Development Mechanism to the Paris Agreement. Discussion paper. German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency. Berlin, November 2019. https://www.dehst.de/SharedDocs/downloads/EN/project-mechanisms/discussion-paper_transitioning_elements.pdf?__blob=publicationFile&v=2 |
2919 |
Moosmann, L. / Urrutia, C. / Siemons, A. / Cames, M. / Schneider, L.: International Climate Negotiations – Issues at stake in view of the COP25 UN Climate Change Conference in Madrid. Study for the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament. Luxemburg, 2019. http://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2019/642344/IPOL_STU(2019)642344_EN.pdf |
2020 |
Broekhoff, D. / Schneider, L. / Tewari, R. / Fearnehough, H. / Warnecke, C.: Options for Improving the Emission Unit Eligibility Criteria under the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation. CLIMATE CHANGE 36/2020. German Environment Agency. Report completed in September 2018. Dessau-Roßlau, Germany, October 2020. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/options-for-improving-the-emission-unit-eligibility and https://www.dehst.de/SharedDocs/downloads/EN/project-mechanisms/discussion-paper_improving-unit-eligibility.pdf |
2020 |
Schneider, L. / Graichen, J.: Should CORSIA be changed due to the COVID-19 crisis? Oeko-Institut e.V., Berlin, May 2020. https://www.oeko.de/fileadmin/oekodoc/Should-CORSIA-be-changed-due-to-the-COVID-19-crisis.pdf |
2020 |
Schneider, L. / Healy, S. / Fallasch, F. / De León, F. / Rambharos, M. / Schallert, B. / Holler, J. / Kizzier, K. / Petsonk, A. / Hanafi, A: What makes a high-quality carbon credit? Phase 1 of the “Carbon Credit Guidance for Buyers” project: Definition of criteria for assessing the quality of carbon credits. World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US), Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) and Oeko-Institut. June 2020. https://www.oeko.de/en/publications/p-details/what-makes-a-high-quality-carbon-credit |
2020 |
Spalding-Fecher, R. / Kohli, A. / Fuessler, J. / Broekhoff, D. / Schneider, L.: Practical strategies to avoid over-selling. Final report. May 2020. Swedish Energy Agency. https://www.oeko.de/fileadmin/oekodoc/practical-strategies-to-avoid-overselling-final-report.pdf |