Friends and companions of the publisher Lambert Schneider and his wife Marion
Was a catholic journalist with contacts to various resistance groups against the Nazi regime, and Godfather of Schneiders son Lambert (the coming archaeologist). After denunciation in 1944/45 he was imprisoned in the concentration camps Ravensbrück and Sachsenhausen, from where he later managed to escape during the death march of Sachsenhausen in 1945. As the author of the Lambert Schneider publishing house, Brink in his book “Don Quichotte. Bild und Wirklichkeit” has in a covert way, but perceived at the time, pointed to resistance against the Nazi regime with Don Quixote’s legendary futile fight against windmills.
An appreciation of Michael Brink by Lambert Schneider can be found in: Rechenschaft über Vierzig Jahre Verlagsarbeit 1925-1965. Ein Almanach. Verlag Lambert Schneider Heidelberg (1965), p. 58-61.
Michael Brink – Wikipedia:
Martin Buber
Religious scholar. Philosopher. Zionist. *February 8, 1878 in Wien; †June 13, 1965 in Jerusalem.
Was for decades the most important author of the publishing house and friend of the family.
Martin Buber – Website:
Martin Buber – Wikipedia:
Martin Buber – Judaismus-Projekt:
Martin Buber – Lebendiges Museum online:
Ernst EngelkingOphthalmologist (professor at the University of Heidelberg and chief physician at the university hospital in Heidelberg); Art collector. * 1886 † 1975.
Close friend of the family and advisor since the 1950s. |
Jura Lewenton= Georg Lewenton; Brother of Vladimir Leventon (see below).
Test structural engineer; Engineer; Cultural politician; Professor at the TU Karlsruhe. Co-founder of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein (Düsseldorf / Duisburg); Co-founder and on the board of the Lehmbruck-Museum Duisburg. * 1902 † 1988. |
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Company: Lewenton/Werner/Schwarz Ingenieurgesellschaft für Tragwerksplanung mbH.
Friend of Marion and Lambert Schneider since the 1920s; travelled to France, Italy and Spain on joint art trips since 1950 (with tent trailers).
Stahlkonstruktion als gestalterisches Element. Ein gemeinsames Anliegen von Ingenieur und Architekt. Vortrag gehalten am 2. Juni 1966 in München bei der Tagung des Deutschen Stahlbau-Verbandes. In: Stahlkonstruktion und Stahlarchitektur (1966).
Georg Lewenton zum 5. Juni 1972. Duisburg 1972. ISBN: 3870961198.
Georg Lewenton – Wikipedia:
Georg Lewenton – Prüfstatiker, Kulturpolitiker und Hochschulprofessor an der TU Karlsruhe:
Georg Lewenton – structurae – Internationale Datenbank und Galerie für Ingenieurbauwerke:
Volodja Leventon
= Wladimir Lewenton; Brother of Georg Lewenton.
Real estate agent and insurance broker in Berlin, later broker in New York. *March 1907; † 1974.
Close Friend of Lambert and Marion Schneider since the 1920s, who also helped him escape Nazi Germany. In the 1960s, was, together with his wife Anne, a mentor and benefactor for son Lambert (see his biography) by invitation to study in New York for one year.
Georg Muche
Painter; Architectural designer; “Master” at the Bauhaus Weimar; Member of the Berlin artist group “Der Sturm”.
* May 8, 1895 † March 26, 1987.
Friend of Marion and Lambert Schneider since the 1930s; completed joint trips to Italy to study fresco painting in Tuscany, Umbria and the Marche. After 1945 mutual visits in Heidelberg and on Lake Constance.
Georg Muche – Wikipedia:
Georg Muche – Bauhaus 100:
Georg Muche – projekt MIK:
Moritz Spitzer (Moshe Spitzer)
Indologist; Typographer; Publisher; Active zionist. *August 8, 1900 † September 16, 1982.
Since 1932, collaborated with Lambert Schneider on the project of the Bible translation by Martin Buber and at Salman Schocken publishing house. Since then, commenced a lifelong friendship with Lambert Schneider and his wife Marion.
See: Biography of the publisher Lambert Schneider.
Moritz Spitzer – Wikipedia:
Ewald and Sophie Wasmuth
Ewald Wasmuth: *1890 Regenthin; † 1963 Tübingen.
Ewald Wasmuth (brother of the publisher Ernst Wasmuth): Philosopher and publicist; Author of the publishing house Lambert Schneider. Sophie Wasmuth: Publicist.
Ewald Wasmuth: *1890 Regenthin; † 1963 Tübingen.
Friends of Lambert and Marion Schneider since the late 1920s.

Ewald Wasmuth – Deutsche Biographie:
Ewald Wasmuth – Wikipedia: